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Working with the Genetic Testing Program:

step-by-step tutorials 

Thank you for participating in the Genetic Testing Program.

Knowing how the program works and what information you’ll need will help make the process quicker and easier.

This series of short tutorials will help you understand how to use the AIM ProviderPortalSM to process genetic testing order requests, including what to do if you want to request a test other than the common options presented to you (i.e., an “alternative test”), and what to do when genetic counseling is required for the test you are requesting.

To navigate through each tutorial, use the “Previous” and “Next” buttons in the upper right corner of this window. 

AIM Specialty Health® supports both your practice and your patients. We look forward to working with you to achieve care that’s appropriate, safe and affordable.

Select the demo from the menu and use “Next” button to continue through the demo.



